Diesel vs Electric APUs

When it comes to choosing the right APU for your truck, there are a variety of factors to consider. You have already made the most important choice of installing an APU into your truck, which will save you time and money on the road. Determining if you are going to use a diesel or electric APU is the next step in the process. Here is a brief breakdown of both types so that you have a better understanding and can make the most informed decision depending on the type of trucking you do.


Diesel APUs are ideal for drivers who spend the majority of their time in either areas that are very cold or areas that are very hot. They are run by a small diesel engine that runs with the rest of your truck. They have more power than their electric counterparts and can therefore generally last longer than 10 hours, allowing for maximum rest time for drivers. More power also means that more electric parts can run while the truck is powered down without the fear of the APU running out of steam. On the downside, they require more preventative maintenance and more specific knowledge. The maintenance for a diesel APU needs to be kept up to avoid nasty consequences. They also need belt and oil changes to run at maximum efficiency.


On the other hand, electric APUs were designed for a different driver in mind. A driver who only spends a few nights in a row on the road may prefer an electric APU. This form was designed for moderate temperatures and for drivers who have the ability and time to recharge their APUs at home. While they may not require much additional maintenance, they still need batteries and an understanding of energy efficiency to make the most out of each charge.


Regardless of which type of APU you choose, just having one will make your job easier. Less idle time is not only better on fuel costs, but also on taking care of the truck in the long run. We carry parts for Thermo King APUs as part of our commitment to keeping you safe on the road.


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