How Do APU’s Work?

With gas prices skyrocketing you may have noticed a significant increase in your
monthly bills both personally and in your fleet. It is no surprise that the high gas prices have put
a strain on truck drivers. Luckily, APUs act as a secondary energy source for semi-trucks. This
secondary energy source allows for the heating and cooling of the interior of the truck cab. In
fact, anti-idling laws have even made it illegal for trucks to sit idling. This would mean that a
truck driver would be forced to turn off all power to their cab and be without heat, air, or any
electricity. This would mean that truck drivers could not survive out on the road – at least not
within their own cabs. This would increase hotel stays and overall expenses for fleet
management to unmanageable levels.
APUs can be powered by a few different sources. First, an APU for sale can be powered
by electricity. These APUs work by operating through cell batteries. They can vary by the size of
the vehicle and how often they need to be changed really varies dependent upon how often
the APU is used. Electric APUs require little to no annual maintenance. Auxiliary power units
can also be powered by combustion provided that fuel is available. This type of APU does
require annual maintenance. A diesel powered APU for sale can last a significant distance but
does require fuel. However, you will get more out of the diesel powered engine than what you
put into it.
Of course the biggest advantage to consider with an APU is the environmental benefits.
APUs help to save the planet by reducing emissions into the environment. Idling for even a
short period of time releases harmful emission into the air that we all breathe.gas


How Harmful Is Idling?

There are now 29 states with active idling law regulations in place. These laws are in
place for good reason, as idling for 10 seconds uses more fuel and produces more CO2 than
restarting your engine does! Over time and with an excessive number of vehicles on the road,
these emissions can wreak havoc on the environment. Running vehicles emit significant CO2
which is a colorless and odorless gas. What happens to the environment when more and more
CO2 is emitted is that heat becomes trapped. This is called the enhanced greenhouse effect.
Over time this can dramatically alter the earth’s climate.
Vehicles also produce volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and oxides of
nitrogen. All of these gases are toxic and when produced in abundance are extremely harmful
to the environment. Something to consider when running a fleet of vehicles that may be idling
is the health of the drivers. The drivers have direct exposure to all of these harmful chemical
day after day while on the job. This can cause long-term health problems and increase costs for
your business, not to mention you want to protect your drivers at all cost.
Luckily, APU Center has an abundance of solutions that will not only save the health of
your drivers, but it will help save your bottom line as well. If you need assistance on selecting
the right APU for your fleet of vehicles we are happy to help. We have cost-saving solution tools
that will help you realize your total cost savings by making the switch. The best benefit to APU
usage is the health of the environment and the health of your drivers. It can be an initial
investment to your company upfront but will save you significantly long-term and the payback
happens quickly.idling


Rigmaster Models

Since 1993 Rigmaster has been offering anti-idling solutions. They offer
several different models depending on the needs of your fleet. If you are researching
Rigmaster models and have any questions, we would be happy to help. We
understand what a large investment the Rigmaster is in the future of your fleet and
want you to feel good about your selection. The complete stand-alone generator can
run all night on what an idling engine would run in just two hours. We even offer
cost-savings calculators that will allow you to see the long-term benefits of
purchasing a new Rigmaster.
The Generator Model is a self contained stand-alone model with an EPA
approved Kohler engine. This model has multiple auto start features and an
alternator with 60 amps for battery charging. The Invertor model is also a
completely self-contained stand-alone unit with an EPA approved Kohler engine
with multiple auto start features. However the alternator has 70 amps for battery
charging. Both of these models have the same heating and cooling capabilities with
24,000 BTU for air conditioning and 13,500 BTU for heating. The generator model
dimensions are 25D x 25W x 28.5H. The invertor model dimensions are 25D x 21W
x 28H. The generator model is able to fit on short wheel base trucks.
Rigmaster also offers custom auxiliary power packs that allow for cab
heating and cooling as well as charging. Air conditioning is also available in these
models. Smart alternators and generators are also available as well as special
requests can be made. If you are curious about the right fit for your fleet our team of
trained professionals here at the APU center would be happy to help. We are well
versed in the Rigmaster product and even know how to help maintain and repair
your units as well.



What Are Idling Laws?

Idling laws are necessary for the better good of the environment. There are
now 29 states that have adopted idling laws. What is idling exactly? Idling is the
process in which you run your engine while the vehicle is stationary. Idling actually
accounts for over 6 billion gallons of fuel into the air every year! This is an
incredible amount of waste. Our environment across the globe would benefit greatly
from a reduction in idling emissions not to mention the fuel cost savings. Enter the
evolution of the APU, the auxiliary power unit! This specialty device is created with
idling emissions in mind!
The increase in exhaust into the environment can lead to asthma, cancer,
cardiac disease, and various other health concerns. Lowering idling emissions
through the use of an APU is beneficial on so many levels. In fact, as many as three
times as many people die from air pollution related illnesses than car accidents
every year. Everyday consumers idle without even realizing it, for example in the
school car pick up line or in the drive through line as well. Truck drivers idle on a
more necessary basis for regulating the cabin temperature or charging important
devices. Idling laws typically limit idling for 3-5 minutes for most states. This is
where the APU becomes necessary for truck drivers. The use of an APU allows truck
drivers the ability to still use their main cabin without idling.apu
Many states are offering grants, loans, and even tax credits for adopting idle
reduction technologies like APUs. We are happy to help make sure that you find the
appropriate APU for your vehicle and can help maintain and manage all APUs for
your entire fleet if necessary. We look forward to helping you save money and
reduce idling emissions into the environment.


Standalone Truck Mounted APU

The RigMaster APU is the ultimate stand-alone generator. There are many benefits to using a RigMaster APU for your commercial lines. You will not regret using this top of the line unit. Luckily we have a cost savings calculator on our website that will point out the specific savings that your company will receive when using a RigMaster APU. Below are a few specific benefits to the RigMaster APU Generator.

Length of Use: The RigMaster has the ability to stay running for 12+ hours in comparison to what a standard truck engine would burn in only two hours time. For this reason alone your company will save significantly on fuel and operating costs. Again, you can see the specifics for your situation using our Cost Savings Calculator.
Climate Control: The RigMaster also has the ability to automatically control the cab climate. There are also controls within the cab that make this function easy to use.
Environmentally Friendly: RigMaster is committed to providing a product that is beneficial to the environment. You can rest assured that you are not only reducing your costs but also reducing pollution and helping to protect the environment.

APU Center is skilled and trained in not only selling you the best APU for your company but repairing APU’s as they wear down over time as well. If you need help selecting the best option for your company please feel free to reach out to our team at any time to discuss what would be the best fit. If you also are curious if your current APU can be repaired and refurbished we would be happy to take a look. We’re often able to offer discounts off of our RigMaster APU’s and other models as well. Check back on our website regularly for updated products and pricing.


Cost Saving Specialists

Both of our top producing models of both Dynasys and Carrier APU products are designed to savie you money every time they are in use. If you have been curious exactly how much money they will save you please visit our uniquely designed cost savings calculator here, Here you can find the exact breakdown of how and where you will exactly save a certain dollar amount. We are proud to offer new, used as well as refurbished Dynasys and Carrier APU products. 


Both brands have similar benefits in that they are intelligently designed and energy efficient – saving you even more money!  If you need help selecting the right model for your team please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our skilled team of experts would be happy to help you find the perfect match. All of our models are also easy to maintain and offer fuel savings benefits in the long term. 


Not sure where to start? We recommend browsing the makes and models on our website that are updated daily. We are constantly reviewing and maintaining our inventory to be as up-to-date as possible for our customers both new and repeat. We are here to help you through the lifetime of owning your APU as we offer ongoing maintenance and repair services as well. If you find you need any kind of service repairs please just return to us for updates. Our technicians are experts at bringing your APU’s back to life in most any condition yspecialistou may have. 


Give us a call today to discuss what options and services might be the best for your unique situation. We’re always happy to help.


Caring for your Tires

Your tires are one of the main elements of your vehicle as they are what allows you to reach each destination. When it comes to maintaining your tires, here are a few tips that will help you to stay safe on the road. 


Have the right tires: Although it may sound basic, with so many different tires on the market, having the right one will make all the difference. Considering the load carry capacity, size, elements that may occur along the routes, etc are all factors that should be considered. Keeping up with regular maintenance and inspections assist in keeping high performance and safety.


Watch your speed: When you have found the right tire for your truck, make sure to have a clear understanding of the maximum speed rating. This is the number that drivers should go by, not necessarily what the highway speed limits are. Tire related accidents and dangers to the public can be avoided by drivers watching their speed, especially when sharing the road with other drivers. 


Tire Inspection: Drivers need to be hands on with every part of their truck and understand as much of it as possible. Tires need to be inspected for cuts, cracks, flat spotting and more. Although it may take time, doing this routinely will help keep you and others safe on the road.


Cold Inflation: Maintaining an even weight distribution can be difficult during changing weather conditions. Since tires change with cold and hot weather, they need to be checked during temperature fluctuations. Without the right inflation, tires can experience heavy tread damage which can only cause further problems. Experts say that cold inflation pressure is most accurately measured when tires have been parked for a minimum of three hours which gives the tires a chance to adjust resulting in the most accurate reading. 


Making sure that your truck is running at peak efficiency is what we do best. We offer new and refurbished APU’s both online and at our storefront which saves you time and money while on the road. We also carry evolution parts in our extensive inventory.


Staying Safe on the Road


Driving always presents risk and when you are driving a 18 wheel semi truck or other large vehicle, it becomes even more important. Here are some of our top tips for drivers of any age and experience level that will hopefully help keep you safe on the road.


The Buffer Zone- As truck drivers we have the advantage of being significantly higher in the air in comparison to the average vehicle. The height is an advantage in being able to see what is ahead on the road. What you want to see in front of you is absolutely nothing, you want to leave plenty of space in front of your rig which may mean that you are only going 50 mph, but being patient is what will keep you out of trouble. Having space means you have room to break and avoid joining any accidents that may occur in front of you. 


Delivery Check- Prior to making a delivery in an unfamiliar area, find a space to park outside of the location and walk around it first. This allows you to take in any potential obstacle that may be unexpected including fire hydrants, ditches, light posts etc. You know your truck the best and will be able to determine what is the best way to get in and out of the area. 


Rain, Snow, Hail, Sun-  Driving is not only about being aware of the other cars on the road, it also applies to knowing the weather. Not only does it give you an idea of what the roads might be like, but it also allows you to mentally prepare for the road ahead. Different conditions may require you to pull to the side sooner than you expected for your own safety and that of your cargo. 

Being safe on the road is the number one goal for truck drivers. When it comes to saving money, there is no better way to cut down on fuel costs than through using an APU. Stop on by our shop and have your APU installed or serviced by one of our experienced technicians. We have a large selection of Thermo King parts and can also ship parts across the country.



3 of the Longest Trucking Routes in the USA

Being a trucker comes with its own set of responsibilities and requirements but those that do long haul trucking are in their own category. These folks operate and take care of heavy trucks and also live life on the road. Here we are looking at several of the longest routes that long haul truckers take in the USA.


Interstate 90 has the unique characteristic of being the longest interstate freeway in the United States. Starting in Seattle, Washington, this route crosses into states like Montana, South Dakota, and Pennsylvania before ending in Boston, Massachusetts. Of course, you can always go the other way and start in Boston. To complete this route, drivers travel a total of about 3,020 mile. Along the way drivers will cross 2 famous floating bridges, the Homer Hadley Memorial Bridge and the Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge in Washington.


Also ending or starting in Boston is the “Big Daddy” of roads. At a total of 3,365 miles, Boston to Newport, Oregon has a lot to see during the drive on Route 20. Along with beautiful views of nature, this coast to coast road is the longest highway in the nation. It is a road that is not only taken by truckers but also by those folks that love a hardcore road trip.

Living life on the road can be an isolating experience but the road on Route 50 has been labeled “the loneliest route in America,” and was given the title in 1986. Not much has changed since then and the route has long stretches of little to no people living in the areas that drivers cross. From Ocean City, Maryland to Sacramento, California, the roughly 3,010 miles is scenic for those that appreciate silence and peacefulness of the road.

However long you spend on the road, having the right APU can make a difference. We carry brands like Dynasys and Thermo King APUs to serve you while you are on the road. Stop idling and start saving time and money with the right APU for your truck.




Diesel vs Electric APUs

When it comes to choosing the right APU for your truck, there are a variety of factors to consider. You have already made the most important choice of installing an APU into your truck, which will save you time and money on the road. Determining if you are going to use a diesel or electric APU is the next step in the process. Here is a brief breakdown of both types so that you have a better understanding and can make the most informed decision depending on the type of trucking you do.


Diesel APUs are ideal for drivers who spend the majority of their time in either areas that are very cold or areas that are very hot. They are run by a small diesel engine that runs with the rest of your truck. They have more power than their electric counterparts and can therefore generally last longer than 10 hours, allowing for maximum rest time for drivers. More power also means that more electric parts can run while the truck is powered down without the fear of the APU running out of steam. On the downside, they require more preventative maintenance and more specific knowledge. The maintenance for a diesel APU needs to be kept up to avoid nasty consequences. They also need belt and oil changes to run at maximum efficiency.


On the other hand, electric APUs were designed for a different driver in mind. A driver who only spends a few nights in a row on the road may prefer an electric APU. This form was designed for moderate temperatures and for drivers who have the ability and time to recharge their APUs at home. While they may not require much additional maintenance, they still need batteries and an understanding of energy efficiency to make the most out of each charge.


Regardless of which type of APU you choose, just having one will make your job easier. Less idle time is not only better on fuel costs, but also on taking care of the truck in the long run. We carry parts for Thermo King APUs as part of our commitment to keeping you safe on the road.


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